DA!! Stop nasilju!
U posljednje vrijeme jedine vijesti koje mi plijene pozornost su one o nasilju. Fakat su ih pune naslovnice portala, novina ... Mislim si kad će više prestat to sra*e..
I još gore kad čujem da se to događa u mom krugu prijatelja, poznanika. Pa šta je tim ljudima??
U zadnjih godinu dana izbjegavala sam ovaj mentalitet ljudi s fakat opravdanim razlogom - kad vidite i osjetite čar drugih ljudi i sigurnost drugog okruženja poželite se nikad ne vratiti u ovaj čumez koji nazivate "Lijepom našom". Bez uvrede, al ovaj mentalitet ovdje naveliko narušava svu ljepotu ove države.
Što podrazumijevam pod "ovaj mentalitet"? E pa... imala sam stvarno velik broj prijatelja i poznanika i nikako da vidim razliku između svih njih, da, da, nađe se iznimka, ali i ta iznimka padne u vodu nakon nekog vremena. Ovaj mentalitet su ljudi koje za jednostavno ne možete pojmiti nešto dobro, nešto veliko.
Zašto?! Ma dajte, pa cijeli svijet nam se ruga! Ne možemo se izvuć iz glupe rupe osjećaja koji vuku iz onog rata, pa onog prije i prije, politike itd.. Dosta tog više! Rasisti smo, pijanci!! Da pijanci, katastrofa!! Jedni smo od najdepresivnijih u Europi, a kriminalom i nasiljem zauzimamo također prva mjesta na ljestvicama. HAHAHA - Da! Smiješno mi je! Smiješno mi je da nitko ne obraća pažnju na to! Zar stvarno želite živit u takvom okruženju?! Gdje je normalno da frajer nasred ulice nokautira curu i nitko ne reagira, gdje se djeca u osnovnoj mlate, di roditelji zlostavljaju svoju djecu jer su i oni sami tako odgojeni, gdje mladi maltretiraju i zlostavljaju starije samo zato što misle da mogu?!
Zar vam stvarno to ne uznemirava duh? Zar vam nije žao? Zar se nikad ne stavite u te pozicije?
Nasilje nije nikakav način komunikacije! To je životinjski nagon kojeg svatko ima snage spriječiti da dođe na površinu. Nismo životinje, ljudi smo! Bića koja razmišljaju, osjećaju i imaju svoju savjest. Haloooo SAVJEST! Bar bi ju trebali imati.
Ne trebate napraviti puno da spriječite nasilje. Dovoljno je pokušati. Potaknuti diskusiju u svom krugu prijatelja, poznanika. Apelirati na situaciju. Pružiti podršku.
Ali ono najbolje, reagirati ako se nađete u toj situaciji!
Nema nikakve razlike u nasilju. Nasilje je nasilje bilo ono od strane muškarca, žene ili djece.
Nasilje nije nikakav pokazatelj snage, naprotiv, nasilje je slabost, ono nešto što ljudi rade kad nemaju nikakve naznake ljudskosti u sebi.
Zamislite samo koliko je žrtava nasilja ubijeno! Biste li bili jedan od njih? Biste li željeli da je netko od vaših bližnjih ta žrtva? NE BI! Zar ne? Vjerujem da ne biste željeli da ste nasilnik, zar ne?! Sigurno ne bi željeli takve osobe oko sebe, također?!
Pobudite svijest u drugima! Ako i sami znate za takve situacije, reagirajte! Danas možete bez problema anonimno prijaviti zlostavljače i time pomoći drugima, a i sebi. Sigurno ne bi željeli imati grižnju savjest jer ste znali da nekom možete pomoći, a niste!
Zar ne bi željeli živjeti u boljem okruženju? Pa pogledajte gdje živite? Ljepše mjesto ne bi mogli odabrati, vjerujte mi!
Znate li onaj posebno dobar osjećaj kad znate da ste napravili dobro djelo?! Ja znam i odličan je!! Ponos i čast jer znate da ste učinili dobro.
Pomoć nekom može vas učiniti samo boljom osobom. Tim izgrađujete sebe, svoju osobnost, osjećate se snažno i znate da vam to nitko ne može oduzeti!
Nemojte zaklopit oči u takvim situacijama, ne dopustite da se nekog ponižava u vašoj okolini, ne podržavajte nasilje!
Budite bolji čovjek, budite bolji i od onog što jeste! Otvorite oči i pogledajte dobro!
Na vama je da izgradite bolji svijet, ne na drugima.
četvrtak, 19. svibnja 2016.
četvrtak, 5. svibnja 2016.
It`s good to know!
Now, when I presented you bands and feels of BedemFest it is time to talk about fun!! ;)
Honestlly I don`t remember much as I was drunk most of the time hahh but I remember enough to give you some advices!
Nikšić is a small and sweet town and you can`t get lost, that`s most important. From 5pm to midnight one of the main rode is closed and becoming promenade, great isn`t it?
I was suprised to see so many people out, just walking, familys going on ice cream.. sweet...
You have plenty bars and few nightclubs you can visit. Prices are low. Believe me, everything is cheap in Nikšić.
There`s plenty places to go to have great lunches or dinners too. We went in restourant called "Mex" and its suuuper. It`s just in centre of town.
There`s plenty food and alcohol on festival so you don`t have to think about restourants at all haha
You can find few apartmans in centre of town and price for 3-4 days is pretty awesome. Cheep!!
I found great HOTEL called Trebjesa. Has 4 stars and great service. It`s on Trebjesa hills just above town. Few minutes walk from centre. They even have a mountain biking in offer.
I was planing to stay in BedemFest camp but this year I`m defenetly going to stay in this hotel cause it is just amazing.
Just 1,5 km from Nikšić is place called Manitovac on river Zeta. That`s a Caffe park, and its just stunning. RIVERSIDE estate which is breathtaking. RED ROCK archaeological site!!!!!
Solt and Krupac Lake with bar and restourant. We were on Krupac lake, its 10 minutes drive from centre, and it was great, great food, great view, great water. One another festival is being held there, but BedemFest is just BedemFest.
As festival is helding from evening till early morning I wanted to present some locations which you can visit during the day, but exploring is not bad idea.
I`m a person for nature so I know I`ll visit everything I mentioned as I didn`t have chance last year, and I`m sure everyone can find something interesting for themselfs in Nikšić.
I highly recommed Bedemfest. Tickets for this years festival are allready selling. Three-day ticket coust 10€, single day ticket is 5€. Apatrmans in Nikšić and around town are about 8-50€ a night, but I`m sure that`s not expensive. Hotel Trebjesa is little more expencive, but if you like nature and quite that`t the place for you. I as mentioned BedemFest have a camp, so if you`re that tipe of person - go for it!!!
Prices on festival are not high, too. You buy cupons and you trade your cupons for food or drinks. Taxi is cheep. Nobody cheated us, so I`m sure nobody will this year.
So including three day ticket, middle priced apartman for 3-5 days would be around 100€. That`s noting! You can come to Nikšić with your car. or by bus or catch a flight, and as RyanAir is flying to Podgorica, you can even fly cheep.
I`m going for sure, and as I was already "turist guide" so I can be again. ha ha
Ohh yes, If you are bike maniac, BedemFest is calling you to come with bike... yeaaaah come on to show your muscles built on bikes hahha
Three day partying on festival then going on beautiful Montenegro coast! That`s great plan!!
For this years LineUp click HERE, and stay tuned on BedemFest FB page, all other info can be fined in previous articles.
Cheers guys!
You have plenty bars and few nightclubs you can visit. Prices are low. Believe me, everything is cheap in Nikšić.
There`s plenty places to go to have great lunches or dinners too. We went in restourant called "Mex" and its suuuper. It`s just in centre of town.
There`s plenty food and alcohol on festival so you don`t have to think about restourants at all haha
You can find few apartmans in centre of town and price for 3-4 days is pretty awesome. Cheep!!
I found great HOTEL called Trebjesa. Has 4 stars and great service. It`s on Trebjesa hills just above town. Few minutes walk from centre. They even have a mountain biking in offer.
I was planing to stay in BedemFest camp but this year I`m defenetly going to stay in this hotel cause it is just amazing.
Just 1,5 km from Nikšić is place called Manitovac on river Zeta. That`s a Caffe park, and its just stunning. RIVERSIDE estate which is breathtaking. RED ROCK archaeological site!!!!!
Solt and Krupac Lake with bar and restourant. We were on Krupac lake, its 10 minutes drive from centre, and it was great, great food, great view, great water. One another festival is being held there, but BedemFest is just BedemFest.
As festival is helding from evening till early morning I wanted to present some locations which you can visit during the day, but exploring is not bad idea.
I`m a person for nature so I know I`ll visit everything I mentioned as I didn`t have chance last year, and I`m sure everyone can find something interesting for themselfs in Nikšić.
I highly recommed Bedemfest. Tickets for this years festival are allready selling. Three-day ticket coust 10€, single day ticket is 5€. Apatrmans in Nikšić and around town are about 8-50€ a night, but I`m sure that`s not expensive. Hotel Trebjesa is little more expencive, but if you like nature and quite that`t the place for you. I as mentioned BedemFest have a camp, so if you`re that tipe of person - go for it!!!
Prices on festival are not high, too. You buy cupons and you trade your cupons for food or drinks. Taxi is cheep. Nobody cheated us, so I`m sure nobody will this year.
So including three day ticket, middle priced apartman for 3-5 days would be around 100€. That`s noting! You can come to Nikšić with your car. or by bus or catch a flight, and as RyanAir is flying to Podgorica, you can even fly cheep.
I`m going for sure, and as I was already "turist guide" so I can be again. ha ha
Ohh yes, If you are bike maniac, BedemFest is calling you to come with bike... yeaaaah come on to show your muscles built on bikes hahha
Three day partying on festival then going on beautiful Montenegro coast! That`s great plan!!
For this years LineUp click HERE, and stay tuned on BedemFest FB page, all other info can be fined in previous articles.
Cheers guys!
BTW - version on croatian is HERE
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